Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Santa is coming to town, Already?

I went to the St Cloud mall shopping with my sister-in-law today and Santa was there already.  I never knew they started so early.  I just assumed it was after Thanksgiving. It was a great time to go see him tho, there was absolutely no line.  Tyler kept begging and begging to see him.  I planned on taking them, just wasn't planning on it so early.  So I was tired of listening to him whine and gave in.  Collin kept saying, "no like Santa," but still wanted to go "see" him.  Tyler  went up to Santa with no problem and hopped up on his lap.  He told Santa that he wanted a Nintendo DS and a Power Ranger along with a few other things.  He told Santa what Collin wanted too.  Poor Collin wanted me to hold him the minute we got 10 feet from Santa and clung on to me really tight.  I am not sure if he remembered a little bit from last year or not.  So it came time to take the picture and Collin had the death grip on me.  I had to pry his little hands and legs off of me and set him on Santa's lap.  He was not a happy camper.  This was the result we got.  

I was a little bummed that the lady didn't ask Tyler to look at the camera.  She did offer to take another picture after I looked at it, but I didn't have the heart to put Collin back on Santa's lap.  I could only be a big meany once. No worries, he got over it pretty quick.  It's not just Santa, he just doesn't like any strangers or even people he just doesn't know really well.   While I was paying for the pictures they were  sitting on the couch in the mall sitting area that was close to Santa's setup and Collin and Tyler were waving to Santa.  He was just fine from a distance. Like I said he just wanted to "see" Santa, not visit with him.  

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