Shane had a great idea to head out to Kathio State Park after supper last night. What a wonderful evenings. No bugs, but had to trade for a few ticks. The boys had a great time playing at the playground. Tyler's new thing is jumping off the swing. I am waiting for the day of a broken arm.
I got a fun shot of Collin as he was swinging really high on the tire swing. Took a few shots to get the focus right. I liked how the chain was just right to block the sun.
The boys picking rocks and chucking them into the swimming pond.
Hailey taking a swim. I was waiting for the boys to pelt her with a rock.
The boys finding agates.
We walked out to the dam and got to see a few fish trying to jump up the dam. I just love the yummy light out there toward sunset. I love back lighting, haze and sun flares.