Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend visit to Fargo

The boys and I made a trip back to Fargo this last weekend. We had a great visit with friends and rellies. I even saw a few good friends while out shopping and a high school classmate/old friend that I haven't seen since my last reunion. It was nice to catch up with my old classmate. My parents and I took the boys to Toy Story 3. They really enjoyed it as well as the adults. I was even teary at the end. It was a great way to spend the hot and humid afternoon. I mostly made the trip to visit Niklas David, oh and I guess to see his mommy and daddy too. Niklas was born to my good friend Ember and her hubby Aaron. This little guys was the sweetest dang thing with that gorgeous head of hair and cute dimples. I would have thought he was all his daddy with that hair, but I guess he is a spitting image of his momma when she was a newborn. Here are a few pics of the little guy.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Aaron right away too but once I look more, I do see Ember. He's adorable:)
