Friday, July 30, 2010

Yay...There's no crying in T-ball!

Tyler just finished his second year of T-ball. He did very good this year. Last year was another story. There was a lot of crying last year. Mostly due to lack of napping, even tho he still should of been. There was crying over not getting to the ball first, not being able to be the first to hit the ball, not being able to hit it more times than allowed or not being able to go to the near by playground instead. You know, the typical 3 year old stuff. One time last year I was taking bawling Tyler to the car and another mom I know said to us "There's no crying in T-ball." Well low and behold the following week whose kid was bawling this time. I had to say to them laughing "What happened to no crying in T-ball?" She guessed her comment the week before backfired on her. Well I am proud to announce that there was no crying this year. Here are a few pics from last night.

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