Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun with finger painting...

Let me rephrase that.  Too much fun with finger painting.  Most of the time I have a hard time getting Tyler to do a craft project at ECFE, but he will at home.  Maybe this is one of the reasons why?  Tyler was saying he was the Hulk and the Grinch.   

It is much more fun to do stuff at home.  Maybe we just don't discipline enough?  It doesn't help that they are just so darn funny and make us laugh.  Hard to lay down the law when you are laughing your butt off.  This is also the reason why Shane doesn't let them paint while he is on duty.  


  1. Tyler totally looks like Hulk!! What fun:) Who cares about the mess!

  2. It's Crayola. They was off great without soap even.
