Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4 of 5 Christmas' down...

The weekend of Christmas we traveled to Thief River Falls to Shane's families for the many celebrations.  I was fortunate to get off early Christmas Eve and we made it to Shane's Grandma's and Grandpa's for supper.  The house was packed with family as always. Its fun for the little ones to play with their bigger cousins.  They always do the traditional Christmas dinner with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, ect.  It was delicious as always.  There is a lot of talent in the family, so there was the annual "Christmas Program" put on by some of kids and a few adults.  A few of them sang, played piano and guitar.  Shane's uncle Rolland sang us a song while playing guitar. I love to listen to him sing.  We got Tyler to sing "Away in the Manger" while his cousin, Hannah, played piano for him.

He didn't face us or sing really loud, but I was pretty proud of him for singing.  I tried to get him to say his part he did in the Christmas program, but didn't want too.  I sort of told him he had to do this before he could open his presents.  I suppose it was bad of me to do that.   After the program we tried to get the kids to take pictures with Great Grandma and Grandpa, but I didn't have great success with getting a good picture.  Hopefully some one else did.  Oh well I guess a candid shot is better than nothing. 

When we got back to Shane's dads that night the boys got a plate of cookies and carrots and some milk ready for Santa and the reindeer.  I am so happy Grandma Jeanne bought Santa his (my) favorite cookies.  The Lofthouse sugar cookies with the thick frosting.  I am sure they were a hit with Santa. 

Tyler got a Nintendo DS with Monster Jam and Toy Story games and Collin got a Leapster 2 with Backyardagains and Diego games. 

It was so beautiful out Christmas morning.  When we got to Shane's mom and step dad's farm I had to take some pictures of the snow/frost covered trees. 

Shane's family prepared a really nice brunch.  Grandma Robin wanted to get the kids to take a picture in front of the tree before everyone opened all the presents.  We wanted the twins to open their wagon and then we would get a picture of the twins in the wagon with the big kids behind it.  Of course the wagon was in too many pieces to do that.  Collin had gotten upset so she let him open one of his presents so we could coax him to take a picture.  Of course he didn't cooperate very well.  His woody doll was a little distracting, but we all got a good laugh during all of this anyhow asking Collin to show is his woody. 

These two were just fun to watch them open their gifts this year.  They did pretty darn good for 10 month olds.  My kids didn't do so great at that age opening gifts.  Here are some pictures of them opening their wagon from Grandma and Grandpa. 

 Doesn't she just look excited here about her wagon she just got from Grandma.  Okay, maybe she is just having fun. 

They had the cutest outfits on too.

Our beautiful toothless niece, Jacey!  She was all dolled up for Christmas.

I think this game is fitting. 

My kids are really into games lately. 

Christmas night we had a great supper at Shane's dads house. It was lasagna/pasta night.  A few people brought a dish, salad or desert to share.   It was great to see grandmas, aunts, uncles and cousins on that side again.  Here is Tyler was buried in his gifts from everyone. 

Sunday morning, Grandpa Jeff brought the kids out for a snowmobile ride.  Collin, who freaks to get his snow pants on to go outside, got them on just fine when I told him that he had to wear them or he couldn't go.

Our 4th Christmas celebrations was with Shane's step dad Larry's side of the family.  Great Grandma Marian (Larry's mom) sends money every year for us to go buy the kids presents to open from her. 

Jaclyn enjoyed the Santa bears.  I so wish I would have kept all of mine from when I was little. 

Well I hope every one had a fabulous Christmas.  We sure did.  Now we have our 5th Christmas with my parents this weekend.  I hope the weather is kind to us.  I will be bummed if we can't get together.   I am not looking forward to rain and snow, that is for sure. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A little Christmas secret...

For Christmas I thought it would be a great idea to sneak some pictures of my daycare providers girls.  Our daycare provider is really into photography, so I knew she would just love it.  So one day I snuck the girls from their dad's house (divorced parents works to my advantage) and went to the city park to get some fall pictures.  I wanted to go uptown and get some too, but was in fear of getting caught, just in case their mom or someone else they knew would drive by.  We did a quick 30 min shoot so they could get back home to their dads.  I got about 12 decent pictures out of that 30 min so that wasn't too bad.  It was a challenge tho since it was sunny and obviously no leaves on the trees to give us shade from the harsh shadows and blown out faces from the sun.  So we had to work around the angle of the sun and the playground equipment in the background.  So I feel like I didn't find "The Light" as they say.   
Direct Sun + Photography = Not so Great!

I was soooo impressed with these girls and my boys that everyone kept a secret about this for 2 whole months.  I thought for sure that their mom knew about it.  When their mom opened it up it brought a couple of small tears to her eyes.  It made me feel really good, because I felt they weren't that best pictures.  

These are two storyboard prints I made for here.  The first was made a 20x20 Standout Mount.  Its a nice  modern approach instead of the traditional framing.  The second was just a 12x12 print.  

 These next two are my favorites.  

Here are a few others of these adorable girls.

Chair a little crooked from the roots of the tree.  Trying too work too quickly I overlooked it.  

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A STAR is born....

It was Tyler's first "official" church Christmas program this morning.  After a few practices and memorizing his line he was ready.  It was funny, Shane and I couldn't find him shortly after he got his costume on this morning.  Here he was sitting in the front pew by himself patiently waiting for it to start.  He was supposed to be with everyone else in the fellowship hall so he could walk in with everyone.  I think he was sort of excited about it this year.  It was pretty cute. 

 I said first "official," because last year he participated all through the dress rehearsal.  He did so good last year too.  He said his line just wonderful.  Then it came down to the morning of and when we went to get his costume on he wouldn't put it on.  He never gave any indication that he didn't want to do it.  I think he maybe just realized what was going. That it was more than just rehearsal and got stage fright.  He never would tell us why. 

This year they did the Christmas Story in the eyes on a young girl going to bed at Christmas and her reflection on what Christmas is about.  You will see part way through the pictures of a girl in a bed.  Tyler was a cow in the Manger scene.  All the preschoolers had an ornament that they said a speaking part about and put it on the Christmas tree.  Tyler was a star.  Weeks before during class he decorated his star with glitter and stickers for the program.  Tyler's line was..."A star is a heavenly sign from long, long ago, shining hope for mankind."  We were pretty proud of him.  He said it loud and clear.  I need to take the time and try to re-post a video clip on here, esp for grandma's and grandpa's to see.  He/we got lots of complements.  One of the teacher had to say, what a difference a year makes.  I had a good chuckle over that. 

We were the third row back and there was no getting around the back of the head shots, even when I half way stood up to take pictures.  I need a bigger zoom. 

Singing "Away in the Manger"

I think here the preschoolers were singing their "Jesus, Jesus Born Today" song.

Tyler peeking back to see me. 

Tyler putting his star ornament on the Christmas tree. 

Tyler's line was..."A star is a heavenly sign from long, long ago, shining hope for mankind."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby it's cold outside...

I wanted to get the boys out for some winter pictures, but Collin wanted no part in it.  Candy or not.  We took them around sunset.  I was hoping to get to our location about 15 min earlier, but a little someone was being difficult.  Hence no pictures of that little someone.  It took all of a few min in the 15 degree weather.  So this is what we got.  I tried to do what I could with a certain someone attached to my hip and then my leg crying away because I wouldn't hold him for that 1 min.  

He looks like he is cold stiff here.  lol 

This is my favorite.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Tyler was beyond excited to decorate the Christmas tree.  Tyler and I went to pick it out the Christmas tree on Sunday.  With the drizzle and snow we have had lately the tree was full of ice and crusty snow so we had to let it thaw and dry out.  Tyler was not very patient with this idea.  Once it was time I brought all the decorations out of storage on Monday, Tyler was whipping through all the tubs of decorations.  This was a little stressful for me.  He was taking it upon himself to open all the boxes of ornaments, breakable or not.  There was no listening what so ever.  My BP was a little high by this time, but I worked through it.  He was having a blast, so I guess that is what mattered most.  He kept putting the ornaments in same area, so I had to keep reminding him to go around the whole tree and reach as high as he can.  Here are a few pictures from him decorating.  Never mind my messy porch.

Here is the not so final product.  I have more decorations to put on the tree and need to spread out some the ornaments that are already on there.